Jumat, 31 Oktober 2014
Selasa, 28 Oktober 2014
Board of Executives - Indonesia Creative Institute 2014 - 2015
Creative Leaders Institute (CLI) - Indonesia adalah komunitas pemuda berbentuk lembaga swadaya yang bergerak dalam pengembangan kreativitas dan pendidikan kepemimpinan pemuda (Creative Skills dan Life Skills) untuk perubahan sosial dan pendidikan. Pendidikan dalam hal ini sebagai upaya terencana supaya peserta mengenali, meng-explore dan mengembangkan potensi dirinya agar bermanfaat bagi diri sendiri
dan lingkungan sekitarnya.
Secara resmi berdiri 16 Januari 2012 oleh sekelompok anak muda berusia 20-22 yang dipelopori Ade Suyitno mahasiswa UPI Bandung. Kumpulan anak muda ini percaya bahwa pembangunan berkelanjutan suatu bangsa terletak pada generasi mudanya dan mengembangkan potensi pemuda bukan hanya kewajiban pemerintah namun tanggung jawab bersama seluruh elemn bangsa.
Hingga 28 Oktober 2014 Creative Leaders Institute telah memberikan lebih dari 100 pelatihan dan pendidikan kepada +10.000 orang dalam 2,5 tahun melalui pendidikan nonformal, kelas, seminar, diklat, online short course dan kegiatan sosial kebudayaan. CLI tercatat telah mempunyai +75 relawan dan 500 online supporters.
Visi CLI - Indonesia
Pusat Pengembangan Kepemimpinan Kreatif Berkompetensi Global dengan Aksi Lokal
Misi CLI - Indonesia
Mengadakan program pendidikan dan pelatihan serta workshop untuk 500 orang/ bulan
Creative Consulting for Youth and Students
Youth Development Oriented
Program CLI - Indonesia
1. Education of Creative Leadership, Organization and Entrepreneurship
2. Education and Training for Creative Writing
3. Research Workshop and Consultation for Students
4.Social Cultural Project
5. Online Short Course
Saat 1 lilin bisa menyalakan 10 lilin
dan 10 lilin bisa menyalakan 1000 lilin lainya
dan seterusnya menjadikan indonesia lebih baik lagi
Main Board
- President: Ade Suyitno
- Vice President: Ihsan Nur Iman Faris
- Secretary: Anggi
- Treasurer: Nurmala
Project Management & Education
- Head: M. Irfan Ilmy
- Hadi Prayoga
Entrepreneurship, Funding and Charity
- Head: Arif Rahman Hakim
- Diki Saputra
- Agus R
Communication, Partnership & International Relation
- Head: Nida Afifah
- Naila
- Octavia
Information Technology & Creative
- Suhendar
Human Resources Development & Organization
- Head: Ahmad Fauzi
- Imam Tantoni

& Wisdomnesia English, has joined several international events and conferences in Taiwan, Malaysia, South Korea, and Russia. Those experiences give him adaptability skill in multi-cultural and international atmospheres.
He believes that the development of young generation with global competence begins with creativity development, leadership development, and english education.
Along with his Wisdomnesia English Course & CLI, he wants to create betterment for Indonesian Youths.
Senin, 27 Oktober 2014
Seminar Prestasi SCIEmics Hadirkan Mahasiswa Berprestasi UPI
Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa Study Community of Islamic Economics (UKM SCIEmics) melaksanakan acara Syariah Academic Training, Sabtu (21/9) di Auditorium FPIPS UPI, JLn. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229 Bandung. Acara yang bertemakan “Gali Potensi, Meraih Mimpi, Wujudkan Prestasi” ini merupakan kegiatan rutin yang dilaksanakan tiap tahun, dengan menghadirkan pembicara Agus Rusdiana M.Pd.,Ph.D., sebagai Dosen Berprestasi UPI; Muhammad Yusuf Helmy dari Karim Business Consulting sebagai Pakar Ekonomi Islam; serta juga turut mendatangkan 4 Mahasiswa Berprestasi UPI yaitu Novia Anggraeni, Aryan Pandam, Ade Suyitno dan Helmy Cahya Muhammad.
Syariah Academic Training ini dihadiri oleh 144 orang yang terdiri dari berbagai fakultas. Ada yang dari FIP, FPBS, FPOK, FPEB, FPTK, FPIPS, dan juga FPMIPA. Selain dari UPI, peserta yang datang juga dari ada yang dari universitas lain seperti UIN Bandung, STIE Muhammadiyah Bandung, IAIN Cirebon dan STIE Al-Ihya Kuningan.
pertama diawali pemberian motivasi oleh Agus Rusdiana M.Pd.,Ph.D.
Beliau menceritakan pengalamannya selama menjadi guru di UPI dan
melanjutkan studi ke Jepang. Tak lupa juga beliau berpesan bahwa Kunci
Kesuksesan itu adalah Ridho Orang tua. Setelah itu dilanjutkan oleh
Yusuf Helmy dari Karim Business Consulting. Secara lugas dan
pembawaannya yang santai, beliau memperkenalkan tentang Ekonomi Syariah
kepada para peserta. Dilanjutkan dengan penampilan dari Febrianti
“Pepew” Almeera yang memberikan motivasi dan hiburan.
Puncak acara dari Syariah Academic Training yaitu Talkshow bersama
Mahasiswa Berprestasi UPI. Diantaranya Novia Anggraeni (Mahasiswa
Berprestasi UPI 2013), Aryan Pandam (Ambassador Business Edupreneur),
Ade Suyitno (Peraih 15 Penghargaan Nasional dan Dep. Nasional Riset Ekonomi Islam FoSSEI 2013) dan Helmy Cahya Muhammad
(Presidium Nasional V Forum Silaturahim Studi Ekonomi Islam). Mereka
menceritakan prestasi apa saja yang telah mereka raih, bagaimana cara
mendapatkannya, dan tips-tips agar mendapatkan prestasi yang luar biasa.SCIEmics mengadakan acara Syariah Academic Training ini bertujuan untuk memotivasi dan memfasilitasi para mahasiswa/i yang ingin berprestasi, baik dalam bidang akademik maupun berorganisasi. Selain itu, SCIEmics juga ingin memperkenalkan kepada masyarakat bahwa ekonomi syariah itu perlu diaplikasikan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari karena baik untuk perkembangan ekonomi di dunia khususnya di Indonesia.
[Public Relation SCIEmics–Shelfira Meisarani]
Sabtu, 25 Oktober 2014
Kamis, 23 Oktober 2014
Indonesia Mengglobal Essay Clinic (Online)
Creative Leaders Institute - Indonesia bekerja sama dengan Indonesia Mengglobal sebuah gerakan pemuda inspiratif Indonesia untuk mendukung generasi muda Indonesia bisa mengglobal dengan karya baik di bidang non-akademik dan khususnya tentang akademik (Study Aboard). Kerjasama ini berupa akses kepada seluruh members CLI khususnya dan generasi muda Indonesia umumnya dalam mempersiapkan essay sebelum proses suatu event internasional. #saungpemimpin #saungkreatif
Indonesia Mengglobal Essay Clinic is our effort to provide tangible help for Indonesian applicants who want to study abroad. This essay clinic is not meant to showcase ‘the perfect essay’, but by analyzing other people’s essays (what works, what does not work, what’s good, what’s bad), we hope you can learn how to write an effective application essay and how to continuously improve your own essay. We also accept essay submissions. Click here to learn on how to participate!!
A personal statement or statement of purpose should not only tell the reviewer what you’ve done, but also (and more importantly) who you are. Yes, the applicant has answered the essay prompts matter-of-factly, but this is not what the reviewer is looking for. Let me translate the prompts into points that you need to think about and answer in your essay:
- Your reasons for applying to the proposed program at Stanford and your preparation for this field of study.
The reviewer is looking for your narrative, your life story, the epiphany-like experience that makes you realize your “academic life-calling”, and how the Stanford program fits within that narrative. What brought you to this point in your life? What events/experiences shaped your academic interest?- Your research and study interests.
It is not enough to answer this question by saying “I’m interested in XYZ.” This reviewer wants to know, what kinds of questions pique your mind? What keeps you up at night? What problems do you want to solve, and what is it that motivates you to get up and work each day? The question is not concerned so much about what you’ve done, but rather, from your previous experiences, what important problems have you identified? What problems inspire your search for solutions?- Future career plans and other aspects of your background and interests which may aid the admission committee in evaluating your aptitude and motivation for graduate study.
This question is not necessarily asking what career ladder you want to climb in the future, unless those things are indeed who you are and your passion in life. Why do you want to be an expert and why do you want to be in management? Deeper reasons are required. The reviewer wants to know if you have long-term dreams, a big picture for your career, and if there are other aspects that your career may touch. For example, you may want to advance your career in engineering but you also may have a passion in inspiring younger generations to pursue engineering skills to solve real and important problems. Or, what does your career mean to your country, family, etc.? Remember that these elements need to be present throughout the essay narrative, not introduced as a surprise at the end of the essay.
The way to answer these questions genuinely and authentically is to do personal reflections on your life and your experiences. Take time to think about this, not just for the essay, but for yourself. Then, answering these questions will become easier. The more authentic the essay is, the more impactful it will be for the reviewer.There are a few points that the applicant should take a deeper look at:
The research accomplishment and competitions that the applicant won as an undergraduate student – how did these impact him/her as a person and shape his/her academic interest?
From the applicant’s work experiences, are there real-world problems that he/she identified that, if solved, can have a major impact economically/environmentally to the company or to the world? What questions arose from working hands-on in the field?Further Discussion :
Look deeper into the specific research questions that the department does and link them with point 2.
Twittr : @CreativeLead_id & Like FanPage FB : CLI - Indonesia
Kumpulan Info Website Beasiswa / International Scholarship
Further Discussion :
#saungpemimpin #saungkreatifTwittr : @CreativeLead_id & Like FanPage FB : CLI - Indonesia
Di bawah ini informasi bagi rekan-rekan semua untuk bisa mengikuti kegiatan-kegiatan internasional, baik lomba, konferensi, beasiswa, exchange, internship dll,. Berikut ini beberapa website yang bisa dijadikan referensi awal untuk kegiatan internasional/nasional :
1. www.opportunitydesk.org
2. www.studentcompetitions.com
3. www.heysuccess.com
4. www.mladiinfo.eu
5. www.edu-active.com
6. www.ayoikut.com
Untuk kegiatan exchange dari Pemerintah Amerika Serikat :
3. www.iief.or.id
Untuk beasiswa Master dan Postgraduate :
1. http://www.beasiswalpdp.org/ (Indonesia)
2. www.aminef.or.id (Fulbright Amerika)
3. Erasmus Mundus (Uni Eropa)(http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/.../selected_projects_action_1...)
4. Monbukagankusho Jepang (http://www.id.emb-japan.go.jp/sch.html)
5. DAAD Jerman (http://www.daadjkt.org/index.php?program-beasiswa-daad)
6. Beasiswa pemerintah china (http://www.kopertis3.or.id/.../2014/01/Beasiswa-Beijing.pdf)
7. Beasiswa belanda (Nuffic Neso Indonesia) Beasiswa Tulip, StuNed
8. beasiswa Chevening Inggris : http://www.chevening.org/indonesia/
9. Beasiswa Italia -Uni Italia : http://www.uni-italia.it/en/uni-italia-indonesia
Banyak sekali kesempatan dan peluang, baik yg Fully funded (dibiayai penuh) maupun Partial (dibiayai dengan item2 tertentu).
Good Luck.