Sabtu, 01 Februari 2014

Founder of Indonesia Creative Institute (ICI)

FB : Ade Suyitno Adeno. TWTR : @ade_suyitno.

Ade Suyitno, the founder of Indonesia Creative Institute & Wisdomnesia English, has joined several international events and conferences in Taiwan, Malaysia, South Korea, and Russia. Those experiences give him inspiration to founded creative community development. He believes that the development of young generation with global competence begins with creativity development, leadership development, and english education. Along with his Wisdomnesia English Course & Indonesia Creative Institute, he wants to create betterment for Indonesian Youths.[1]

He started his social activism since he was 12 by establishing a free course for kids and help sell of fruit harvest neighbors to school in Indramayu, West Java. In 2012, he founded a community that concerns on creative writing and youth leadership development for social change in Indonesia University of Education. The passage of time the community in faculty became LSM community with name Indonesia Creative Youth (ICY), the best program ICY is Indonesia Creative Write and Nach Student School. Under his leadership as the President, the organization has been delivering numerous capacity building programs, cretive community development in cisarua-cimahi city, and entrepreneurship training on youth.[2]

He have good academic record and achievement, not only in academic in Indonesia University of Education but also in extracurricular interests talent in entrepreneurship, leadership and research. The best Academic awards from west java governor on cooperative research and the winner in 13th contest of national research and writing in various regions/university UNS, UNJA, UNISMUH, UIN SUSKA, UNLAM, UNP, UNAND etc. Experience in business he founded a local business in handycraft and creative product the name is N4SR Bandung Creative Product.

He ever joined several international events and conferences in South Korea, Taiwan, Rusia, and Malaysia, which gives him adaptability skill in multi-cultural and international atmosphere. It also helps him to increase my ability on communication fluency and international friendship. He also join and lead of departement in several organizational concern in research, entrepreneurship and islamic economics studies that is FoSSEI, IMAPESI, SCIEmics, KOPMA UPI, LEPPIM and Mahapropesi. Organization activities which increase my leadership skill, such as; managing work, adaptability, decision making, and initiating action.[3]
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